Serving all NYSUT Retirees in Jefferson and Lewis Counties

"JLCNR, working together to serve, support, and strengthen our fellow retirees"

Jeff-Lewis Council of NYSUT retirees

Council 9


1. Updated information that concerns retirees across the North County

2. Conferences and seminars pertinent to retirees

3. Opportunities to socialize with colleagues from the North Country

4. Supporting those who represent your voice in Albany

Click HERE for Membership Information and Form

NYSUT Retirees Membership Drive

Make it a priority to join the Jeff-Lewis Council of NYSUT Retirees if you retired from Jefferson or Lewis counties.

Summer Luncheon - August 15, 2024

Join us at DJ's in the Park for our summer luncheon with our friends and colleagues. It will be a beautiful afternoon at the new Thompson Park restaurant overlooking the city. For more information and reservations, please see this flyer.

An Important Message from our President

We are reaching out to former in-service members of NYSUT from our Retiree Council (Jefferson, Lewis, Franklin, St. Lawrence, Clinton, Essex and Warren Counties). You continue to be a member in retirement, thanks to work done by many of our colleagues in the 1980’s.

When you retire from your LOCAL, your membership in NYSUT remains with you in retirement. The Union for Life slogan means just that. You pay no dues to NYSUT as a retiree.

Through RC-9 and your sub-councils, your retiree interests and needs are shared and addressed with our local teacher unions, NYSUT Regional Staff Director as well as NYSUT Headquarters staff.

Please read the rest of the message from President Hunneyman here.

Let NYSUT Work For YOU!

Ever wonder what what NYSUT does for you? Check out this list of benefits.

Don't forget to visit the NYSUT Membership Benefits page when looking for deals on vacations, insurance programs, shopping deals and many other cost-saving solutions.

On our Links web page find information about retirement planning, medicare, and other topics of interest.